What happens during a treatment?

Osteopaths use a highly developed sense of touch known as Palpation to diagnose and treat, helping the body to work better and heal itself.

But many factors can affect our health and how we experience pain and discomfort.

So we need to ask some detailed questions about you before the diagnosis and treatment.

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Its what we do and how we do it that makes us special




 At your initial consultation we will take a case history to record your symptoms, medical history and any important events in your life.





Then we will carry out an examination where you may be asked to undress - only as far as is necessary - to evaluate your posture and any areas of tenderness or restriction.




You will be asked to do some simple movements to determine what aggravates the symptoms and your degree of mobility. Other tests may be carried out if necessary.


Treatment Plan

 Andrew will discuss his diagnosis and treatment plan with you before proceeding with treatment. Please ask any questions you like during the consultation or treatment.





Afterwards he will explain what you can do to heal most effectively as well as how many treatments he feels are needed.



It is not uncommon for symptoms to worsen briefly after treatment before improving.

If you have any questions or if the pain does not improve please contact Andrew for advice on 07958 704935.